Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Thirty-Two: Oakley

Quentin and Alicia came over tonight for a birthday dinner for Alicia, and brought me the newest Stuffed magazine from Somerset Studios, I never cease to be amazed at all the fabulously creative people out there; for example, Jessica Brown,, whose adorable stuffie "Oakley" inspired this sketch. I may never get to make my own Oakley, or so many of the other birds I see in this and other publications, but at least I can make a sketch for future reference.
On a related topic, I'd started a very complicated bird this morning to make as a present for Alicia, but seriously underestimated the time it would take to complete it. (It's that time-management issue, again!) This brought up the subject at dinner of "Does it 'count' as today's bird it I start it but don't finish it?" We decided that in keeping with the spirit of the 365 Bird Project, I need to complete one bird every day, even if I'm working on a more complicated one that may take several days. The bird only 'counts' if it is done. BUT, it's OK to do just a very simple bird, like my sketch of Oakley, for today's bird.

So Alicia's birthday bird, which is sitting on the work table not even half done, will have to wait for its own post later. Sorry, Alicia, and Happy Birthday!


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